Community Conservation, Education and Awareness
The Zambezi Society’s Human-Wildlife Co-existence Project works with communities living on the boundaries of the Charara Safari Area. Charara is largely surrounded by human settlements in the form of towns and villages - to the west by Gache-Gache Communal Land, to the north by Kariba Town, and to the south by crop and livestock farming villages in Hurungwe Rural District. With permanent settlements living near wildlife, human-wildlife conflict is inevitable, presenting a risk to human life, livelihoods, and wildlife populations.
Our project aims to build self-sufficient capacity within communities, and provide the resources required to strengthen human-wildlife co-existence by helping to prevent loss of crops, livestock predation, and loss of life – for both humans and wildlife. This is achieved through awareness workshops, building of predator- proof kraals for the safe keeping of livestock, and the making and deployment of chilli bricks, chilli strings and vuvuzelas to deter elephants from crops.
The vast majority of school children living on the boundaries of protected areas have experienced only negative narratives or interactions with wildlife – through human-wildlife conflict. As a result, many community members grow up with an over-riding negative attitude towards wildlife. Our Human-Wildlife Co-existence Project works to change this perception within the adult age group. Our Virtual Reality Project creates a platform to begin changing this attitude within the school age group.
The Virtual Reality Project ‘brings wildlife to the students’ by taking them on an educational, virtual reality ‘safari’ with videos played through Virtual Reality Goggles. The videos introduce an alternative perception to the vastly negative one and create a platform to open up a dialogue with students about conservation issues and human-wildlife co-existence. We engage specifically with 11–12-year-old students.
Creating awareness about the importance of wildlife and wilderness values among schoolchildren is a long-standing activity of the Zambezi Society. In Zimbabwe’s urban areas, schools like Chisipite Junior have long-standing programmes encouraging children to fund-raise for activities to protect endangered wildlife species. The Zambezi Society supports their efforts with an interactive presentation at the school’s yearly conservation assembly and uses the considerable funds raised by the children each year to support on-the-ground conservation activity.
The Zambezi Society creates public awareness through its website, regular newsletter mailouts and an active Social Media presence on Instagram and Facebook. It also produces occasional printed information e.g. Codes of Conduct for Visitor Behaviour in National Parks, Respect the Wild leaflets/posters, etc. You can find these publications on our Educational Materials page.
Read more about this project in our related news articles
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